Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Liz and Colin: East Africa 2014

Pete and Joan have made us so welcome at their house in a lovely elevated position overlooking Lake Naivasha. The large garden is electrically fenced mainly to keep out the buffalo.

We played golf earlier in the week on the nearby course which was certainly challenging, particularly with a small herd of zebra and impala sharing the fairways! ( photos to follow in next blog post)
Squacco heron

African Jacana ( Lily-trotter for Alan's benefit!) 

The following day we had a splendid guided boat trip on the lake viewing an amazing variety of birdlife including pelicans, fish eagles, pied kingfishers, white breasted cormorants and squacco herons.
  Local fishermen with pelicans in background
Fish eagles

Intrepid explorers, straddling the equator
 We then travelled to the Aberdare mountains on some spectacular roads and stayed at the Country Club. We walked among warthog, giraffe, zebra, dik-dik and baboons; a vast area with wonderful views

Dr Livingstone, I presume!

A beer and lunch stop near the farm
 We had a very interesting, extended tour with Pete at 'his' farm of 24 acres growing mainly strawberries and raspberries which go via Amsterdam to M & S, Tesco and Sainsbury under the Vegpro label. The company also grows huge quantities of roses, also grown under polytunnels as photographed
Raspberry tunnels
Roses, roses and more roses!

Driving home after the visit (and rainstorm!) 
Tomorrow it's then 3 days away with Pete and Joan; two nights at Lake Baringo and one at Kembu cottages, childhood home of Beryl Markham, famous 1930s aviator. Will update you as and when. Hope all is well with everyone. DK/MG/Chris: did you receive our first email?!

Love from Liz and Colin xxxx

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