Friday, November 8, 2013

Ewan and Leila's visit October 2013

Our first visitors, Ewan and Leila, arrived in mid-October.
Ewan had a brand new gadget: a movie camera that could be mounted on his head, on a stick, under water etc. He's got some great film which I'll try and add a bit of here. Otherwise he borrowed our camera for a few days so these photos are from his collection...

Day two of their visit began with a short horse trek at Green Park and then we left to spend the night at a self catering lodge in Lake Nakuru National Park : about 90 minutes drive away.

Within five minutes of entering the park we saw our first and only lions. The male's pretty well camouflaged...the next photo is a close-up. All these first photos are taken between 16.00 and 19.00. Parks aren't cheap to 'enter' so we were here for 24 hours: intending to leave the next day by 16.00.

All the Rift Valley lakes are very full this year and Nakuru is no exception. Certain roads were impassable and even the animals are coping with more water than they are used to... 

Navigating by map became quite tricky as roads it said were there ... were actually under water! 

This park is famous for its white(wide-mouthed)and black rhino. We got very close to this white rhino: this photo is not enlarged or taken with telephoto...In the next photo you see the same rhino (and me) through the wing mirror.

Ewan was up early the next day to take some glorious sunrise photos.

This may have been the buffalo who stared into Peter's eyes right next to the bedroom window just before dawn! 

We went for an early drive before breakfast: see the times as the next two hours go by as we drove up to a viewpoint above the lake. We were hoping to see a leopard(no luck)but a photogenic giraffe, a buffalo family and an elusive, darting dik-dik obliged.

Yes, Ewan's standing on the roof of the pick-up 
... to get a better shot!

Returning to the cottage for breakfast we were entertained by a family (troupe?) of monkeys. Ewan rigged up his movie camera with a banana or strawberry attached to the fork in front of it to take some great footage of fruit-mad monkeys! If I can work out how to reduce the size of the films: I'll add one here...

Breakfasted and packed up by 10.00 we headed off to drive around the lake and have lunch at one of the lodges...

Yes, Ewan is now sitting out of the get a better shot! Memories of New Zealand Christmas 1985 anyone? 

It was lovely to welcome Ewan and Leila and show them around this part of Kenya. We really look forward to our next guests at Christmas time xxx

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